We saw the previews of "Taken" when we went to see Gran Torino, and it looked good. So we decided yesterday afternoon to go in to see it. Was kind of a last minute decision (in fact, Ronnie was in the middle of baking bread), kids weren't around, so we decided, why not?
Well, all I can say is that if you like an action thriller, this is the movie for you. It was amazing! Probably what I would say isn't even my "type" of movie, but it was so, so good. And just from the perspective of being a parent, the concept of your child being abducted... my heart rate was up from the first five minutes of the film until it was over. I highly recommend it. Had I seen this movie BEFORE Rhonda asked if she could go to Europe her senior year of high school, I would have said No!
Came home to discover I needed to come up with a last minute baby shower gift. I remembered some flannel fabrics I already had cut into squares, so I decided to see if I could do a marathon project. I've been wanting to try a rag quilt so now seemed to be the time. The whole concept sounded basically simple ... sandwich a smaller batting square between two flannel squares and sew an "X" through each, corner to corner. Sew your squares together with your seam allowances to the FRONT of the quilt (very important detail ... just ask my seam ripper!) , using a wider than usual seam allowance because you are going to "clip" a fringe into this seam allowance before washing the quilt. The initial washing before presenting as a gift starts the "ragging" process (thus the name) and fluffs everything up. Despite having to use my seam ripper (or my "un-sewer", as my dad called it) and having to go back and re-sew some seams where I clipped too close, I was tickled pink (okay, it was blue) with the result. Softest thing I've ever made ... I forgot how nice flannel could feel. And, duh, I forgot to take a picture of it before I sent it on it's way. I had some squares left over, so I whipped up a quick burp cloth to match while the quilt was in the dryer. I attached a little gift tag that said "Just because spit happens doesn't mean you can't still be cute!" Once I was done, I realized I had a headache, probably from being worried I wasn't going to get it done in time. Oh my, now I can breathe!